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Dataset: Yearly Averages
Catalog: ROMS doppio


OpenDAP Data Access Access dataset through OPeNDAP using the DAP2 protocol.
WMS Data Access Supports access to georegistered map images from geoscience datasets.
NetcdfSubset Data Access A web service for subsetting CDM scientific grid datasets.


Godiva3 Browser
default_viewer.ipynb Jupyter Notebook The TDS default viewer attempts to plot any Variable contained in the Dataset.
Geospatial Coverage


  • rights: Freely available
  • summary: Assimilative doppio model reanalysis Version 3 initialized in 2007 covering Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine. The grid has approximately 7 km resolution and 40 vertical levels. Initial and boundary conditions, and boundary nudging fields, are from global 1/12 Mercator. Surface forcings are from NCEP NARR for 2007-2013 and NCEP NAM from 2014 on. River discharges are from USGS and Water Survey of Canada (WSC). Harmonic tides along the open boundaries are from OSU Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS). Free-surface is relative to NAVD88. NAM shortwave radiation has been adjusted to a diurnal cycle (DIURNAL_SRFLUX). Atmospheric pressure correction (ATM_PRESS) has been applied, NAM Pair has been modified to extrapolate values over water into adjacent land mask to avoid creating coastal pressure gradient. The model assimilates delayed mode observations of surface temperature from AVHRR, AMSR, WinSAT, GeoSAT, VIIRS; HF Radar, along track sea surface height (Jason, EnviSAT, CryoSAT, Altika, Sentinel); temperature and salinity from quality controlled Met Office T/S subsurface profiles, IOOS glider ERDDAP, as well as NERACOOS and ECOMON projects.
  • How to cite: Wilkin, J. and J. Levin (2022). Outputs from a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) data assimilative reanalysis (version DopAnV3R3-ini2007) of ocean circulation in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 2007-2021. SEANOE.
  • Supporting data: The observations that were assimilated, after quality control and the formation of super-observations as can be accessed via an ERDDAP service at The dataset includes observation type and provenance fields (documented in the ERDDAP metadata) that allow sub-selection by data types (temperate, salinity, velocity, etc.) or observing platform (e.g., Jason altimeter satellite, AVHRR SST, IOOS gliders, etc.). The ERDDAP catalog includes outputs of the DA system in observation space; namely, prior and posterior model errors, and the CMEMS and GOFS values interpolated to the observation position. An observation scale field flags data that were rejected by 4D-Var QC.




  • Longitude: 280.47 to 292.24 degrees_east
  • Latitude: 33.79 to 42.83 degrees_north
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