OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


Times: Array of Strings [Time = 0..108]

XLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLONG: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LU_INDEX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ZNU: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

ZNW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top_stag = 0..34]
Time: bottom_top_stag:

ZS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3]
Time: soil_layers_stag:

DZS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3]
Time: soil_layers_stag:

VAR_SSO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LAP_HGT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east_stag:

V: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north_stag: west_east:

W: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top_stag = 0..34][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top_stag: south_north: west_east:

PH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top_stag = 0..34][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top_stag: south_north: west_east:

PHB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top_stag = 0..34][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top_stag: south_north: west_east:

T: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

HFX_FORCE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

LH_FORCE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

TSK_FORCE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

HFX_FORCE_TEND: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

LH_FORCE_TEND: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

TSK_FORCE_TEND: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

MU: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MUB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

NEST_POS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

P: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

PB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

FNM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

FNP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

RDNW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

RDN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

DNW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

DN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33]
Time: bottom_top:

CFN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

CFN1: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

P_HYD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

Q2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TH2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PSFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RDX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

RDY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

RESM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

ZETATOP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

CF1: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

CF2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

CF3: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

ITIMESTEP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108]

XTIME: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

QVAPOR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

QCLOUD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

QRAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

SHDMAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SHDMIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOALB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TSLB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SMOIS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SH2O: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SMCREL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SEAICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XICEM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UDROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

IVGTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ISLTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VEGFRA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GRDFLX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACGRDFLX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACSNOM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CANWAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SSTSK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

COSZEN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LAI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAPFAC_M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAPFAC_U: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: south_north: west_east_stag:

MAPFAC_V: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

MAPFAC_MX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAPFAC_MY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAPFAC_UX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: south_north: west_east_stag:

MAPFAC_UY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: south_north: west_east_stag:

MAPFAC_VX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

MF_VX_INV: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

MAPFAC_VY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

F: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

E: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SINALPHA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

COSALPHA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HGT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TSK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

P_TOP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

T00: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

P00: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

TLP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

TISO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

TLP_STRAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

P_STRAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

MAX_MSTFX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

MAX_MSTFY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

RAINC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RAINSH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RAINNC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWNC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GRAUPELNC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HAILNC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CLDFRA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][bottom_top = 0..33][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

SWDOWN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GLW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SWNORM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

OLR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLAT_U: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: south_north: west_east_stag:

XLONG_U: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east_stag = 0..224]
Time: south_north: west_east_stag:

XLAT_V: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

XLONG_V: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north_stag = 0..195][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north_stag: west_east:

ALBEDO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBBCK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

EMISS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

NOAHRES: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TMN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLAND: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UST: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PBLH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HFX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QFX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACHFX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACLHF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SAVE_TOPO_FROM_REAL: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108]

SEED1: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108]

SEED2: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..108]

AFWA_RAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LANDMASK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LAKEMASK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SST: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SST_INPUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Time_1: Array of 64 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Time = 0..108]

U10r: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10r: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SLP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..108][south_north = 0..194][west_east = 0..223]
Time: south_north: west_east:

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Support] at:

For questions or comments about the OPeNDAP service bundled with the TDS, email THREDDS support at:


Dataset {
    String Times[Time = 109];
    Float32 XLAT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 XLONG[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LU_INDEX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ZNU[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 ZNW[Time = 109][bottom_top_stag = 35];
    Float32 ZS[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4];
    Float32 DZS[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4];
    Float32 VAR_SSO[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LAP_HGT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 U[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 V[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 W[Time = 109][bottom_top_stag = 35][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 PH[Time = 109][bottom_top_stag = 35][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 PHB[Time = 109][bottom_top_stag = 35][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 T[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 HFX_FORCE[Time = 109];
    Float32 LH_FORCE[Time = 109];
    Float32 TSK_FORCE[Time = 109];
    Float32 HFX_FORCE_TEND[Time = 109];
    Float32 LH_FORCE_TEND[Time = 109];
    Float32 TSK_FORCE_TEND[Time = 109];
    Float32 MU[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MUB[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 NEST_POS[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 P[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 PB[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 FNM[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 FNP[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 RDNW[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 RDN[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 DNW[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 DN[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34];
    Float32 CFN[Time = 109];
    Float32 CFN1[Time = 109];
    Float32 P_HYD[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 Q2[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 T2[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 TH2[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 PSFC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 U10[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 V10[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 RDX[Time = 109];
    Float32 RDY[Time = 109];
    Float32 RESM[Time = 109];
    Float32 ZETATOP[Time = 109];
    Float32 CF1[Time = 109];
    Float32 CF2[Time = 109];
    Float32 CF3[Time = 109];
    Int32 ITIMESTEP[Time = 109];
    Float32 XTIME[Time = 109];
    Float32 QVAPOR[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 QCLOUD[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 QRAIN[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SHDMAX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SHDMIN[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SNOALB[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 TSLB[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SMOIS[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SH2O[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SMCREL[Time = 109][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SEAICE[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 XICEM[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SFROFF[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 UDROFF[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Int32 IVGTYP[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Int32 ISLTYP[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 VEGFRA[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 GRDFLX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ACGRDFLX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ACSNOM[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SNOW[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SNOWH[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 CANWAT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SSTSK[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 COSZEN[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LAI[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 VAR[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_M[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_U[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 MAPFAC_V[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_MX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_MY[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_UX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 MAPFAC_UY[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 MAPFAC_VX[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MF_VX_INV[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 MAPFAC_VY[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 F[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 E[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SINALPHA[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 COSALPHA[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 HGT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 TSK[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 P_TOP[Time = 109];
    Float32 T00[Time = 109];
    Float32 P00[Time = 109];
    Float32 TLP[Time = 109];
    Float32 TISO[Time = 109];
    Float32 TLP_STRAT[Time = 109];
    Float32 P_STRAT[Time = 109];
    Float32 MAX_MSTFX[Time = 109];
    Float32 MAX_MSTFY[Time = 109];
    Float32 RAINC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 RAINSH[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 RAINNC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SNOWNC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 GRAUPELNC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 HAILNC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 CLDFRA[Time = 109][bottom_top = 34][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SWDOWN[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 GLW[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SWNORM[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 OLR[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 XLAT_U[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 XLONG_U[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east_stag = 225];
    Float32 XLAT_V[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 XLONG_V[Time = 109][south_north_stag = 196][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ALBEDO[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 CLAT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ALBBCK[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 EMISS[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 NOAHRES[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 TMN[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 XLAND[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 UST[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 PBLH[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 HFX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 QFX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LH[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ACHFX[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 ACLHF[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SNOWC[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SR[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Int32 SAVE_TOPO_FROM_REAL[Time = 109];
    Int32 SEED1[Time = 109];
    Int32 SEED2[Time = 109];
    Float32 AFWA_RAIN[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LANDMASK[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 LAKEMASK[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SST[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SST_INPUT[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float64 Time_1[Time = 109];
    Float64 Time[Time = 109];
    Float32 U10r[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 V10r[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 RH2m[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
    Float32 SLP[Time = 109][south_north = 195][west_east = 224];
} met/wrf/derecho/out;