OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


Times: Array of Strings [Time = 0..60]

Q2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PSFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QCLOUD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][bottom_top = 0..29][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

RAINNC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SWDOWN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GLW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

XLONG: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBEDO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..60][south_north = 0..115][west_east = 0..113]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Time = 0..60]

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Support] at:

For questions or comments about the OPeNDAP service bundled with the TDS, email THREDDS support at:


Dataset {
    String Times[Time = 61];
    Float32 Q2[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 T2[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 PSFC[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 U10[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 V10[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 QCLOUD[Time = 61][bottom_top = 30][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 RAINNC[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 SWDOWN[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 GLW[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 XLAT[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 XLONG[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float32 ALBEDO[Time = 61][south_north = 116][west_east = 114];
    Float64 Time[Time = 61];
} roms/sw06/wrf/a/;